Master in Geographic Information Systems  

The courses within the curriculum, comprehensive and balanced at the same time, can be grouped as follows: courses that offer basic and advanced, conceptual, theoretical and practical notions of GIS and remote sensing; courses in the field of informatics (programming and database management systems); courses aimed at the use of advanced geospatial methods and technologies, such as object-oriented image analysis (OBIA) and courses aimed at the application of GIS in different geographic areas and geovisualization of spatial data. Knowledge: - providing an overview of the field by acquiring the newest and most advanced notions and working methods in the GIS/Remote Sensing sphere; - acquiring the principles and methods of spatial analysis in the GIS environment on quantitative and qualitative bases, by integrating various geospatial data; - acquisition of basic knowledge for the creation and use of modeling and simulation in the GIS environment; - knowledge of various methods of exploitation of remote sensing data; - assimilation of programming knowledge and database management, to automate workflows; - knowing how to develop, manage and carry out research projects or specialized services, as well as forming the habit of working in a team and cultivating interdisciplinary relationships); b) Skills: Cognitive skills - developing skills and abilities for scientific research and professional training, preparing graduates able to follow a doctoral program and opening new directions in theoretical and practical approaches in the field of geography and in other fields that use geospatial data. Practical skills - improving the management and analysis of geospatial data; - the ability to work with specific GIS programs, remote sensing or GPS tools (software and hardware); - the ability to design, implement and apply GIS projects; - design and modeling of spatial databases; - collecting, analyzing and interpreting geographical information provided by geodetic measurements, aerial photos, maps and remote sensing data; - application of acquired knowledge in areas such as planning, public administration, trade, management and exploitation of natural resources, hydrology, geology, agronomy, etc.) c) Responsibility and autonomy: - managing and transforming work or study situations that are complex, unpredictable and require new strategic approaches; - assuming responsibility to contribute to professional knowledge and practices; - managing and solving situations in projects involving complex spatial analysis;
Location expert Geographer Space Analyst Research Assistant in Geography
Master in Geographic Information Systems

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